Friday, November 22, 2013

[Shopping] Shoes, Shoes, and More Shoes!

Ok, maybe the title is a bit of an exaggeration. However, this has been a shoe filled week.

I had a pair of plain, pointy toe black pumps. I had them up until this past Tuesday, when I threw them away. I had put on an outfit and was trying on 230498 different pairs of shoes and none looked right. What I really needed was a plain, closed toe pump. I put on the ones I own - and promptly cringed because they were embarrassingly worn and beat up. It then became my mission to replace them, because as a gal who wears them frequently for work, I shouldn't be without them in my shoe collection!

I started out at Macy's since my husband works there and the discount is always a plus. I didn't find anything that jumped out at me for a decent price, so as I was leaving the mall, I saw Payless and decided to pop in. Because I'm so hard on my black pumps, I thought a cheap pair might be able to tide me over.

Instead, I walked out with these:

WomensChristian Siriano for PaylessWomen's Icon Pointy Pump

aaaaaand I also left with these:

Womens FioniWomen's Kasbah Studded Platform Pump

 Not quite black pumps, but definitely cute!!

I did find some pumps for a great price online at Macy's, so I ordered a pair (and maybe another pair? oops!). I will post when I get them!

Hope you all are having a wonderful day. Thanks for reading!


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