"As I hauled my bags out of the port terminal in Barcelona, I was greeted by a large group of eager parents who were waiting to welcome their children back from this incredible adventure. One of the moms asked me as I passed by, “So how was it?” All I could do was shake my head and confess to the parents nearby, “None of your children will ever be able to fully explain what this experience has been like.” It’s unfortunate, but true. You can never grasp what Semester at Sea is really about until you’ve sailed. The intensity of the community that forms is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before, the encounters in each port make permanent impressions on us all, and watching your fellow voyagers grow and change as they discover both themselves and the world around them is simply magical.
...I recognize that my Semester at Sea experience doesn’t finish here. So many of the people I met on board will be friends for life. The lessons I’ve learned will be with me forever. And, given the addictive nature of the Semester at Sea experience, I’ll likely be back again one day in some capacity."

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