I need to just stop writing things off the cuff on this blog. I only disappoint myself.
Here we are again, at the end of a month/beginning of a new month, and I've done a crappy job of doing bi-monthly or weekly vlogs on what I bought. And this month? You're not even going to get a month's end vlog (at least not today!) because I am just. so. exhausted.
The month of March found me teaching 4 weeks straight. I know, I know...people out there who are teachers are thinking "what the heck are you complaining about?" because they do it day in and day out 9-10 months of the year. However. I teach very complex technologies, and I don't get to give any classwork or busywork or exams, plus many times I have to travel multiple time zones away, so I think I have a right to be tired. Right? Right?
Anyway. 4 weeks straight teaching 5 days a week and traveling to half of those teaching engagements, plus 1 weekend lost to travel and 2 weekends
full of events I feel like I've been non-stop for the entire month. All I want is a day to lay around and relax and do nothing. Not sure when there will be room on the schedule for that since I'm headed to Vegas (for work) this weekend and will be spending the whole week there until I fly to Austin to spend the following weekend with all 5 of my gals from Semester At Sea (it's our 10 year reunion!).
I digress. Let's talk budget, which was the point of this whole post to begin with! This month's budget was $160-$200. I've upped it to $200 max if there's the funds for it, because I came up with $160 from a $40/week budget and I've found that while I'd like to stay under that amount, I often linger somewhere
slightly over. (Long story is that I use cash for my budget so I try and stick with $20 increments - I usually nab $40/week from the ATM for shopping but am letting myself take $60 for 2 weeks each month if the budget allows).
This month I got:
- Printed pants, H&M, $13
- Black floral lacy top, H&M, $30
- Poodle cardigan, F21 via Alexis Suitcase, $12
- Striped scarf, Gap, $18
- Mint Starfish scarf, boutique in Manhattan Beach, $15
- Coral heels, Vince Camuto via Alexis Suitcase, $28
- Brown heels, Alexis Suitcase, $18
- White and blue print skirt, Target, $17
- Animal print skirt, Target, $11.50
- Blue cutout back top, Target, $18
- Cobalt print scarf, H&M, $7
- White floral scarf, H&M, $7
Grand total: $194.50
I will update with pictures or a vlog later this week (hopefully!).