Wednesday, September 26, 2012

[Life] UK: The Pictures

WARNING: Picture heavy post! 

Up, up and away!

Our hotel, the Botley Park

The hotel was actually a Golf & Country Club as well!

Nightly reading
Team bowling

Chris getting his trophy back with a kiss!

At the pub

The UK office

Saturday shopping

Sangria and Tapas

The white flags have all the Olympic sports on them!

McDonald's serves ROLO milkshakes!!!

Driving on the other side of the road....and car.

Can't be in the UK without having fish and chips!

Pub pooch who sat next to me my entire dinner.

The boss's trampoline meant my coworker bouncing around the boss's kids!

British Starburst have the strangest flavors...they're quite gross, too.

The side of the ice cream truck that comes to the office says "Often licked but never beaten" haha

These are awesome.

The bottom of the pint glass says "Spot On"

Mmmm chicken curry sandwiches!!

Happy Wednesday!!


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