And then there's the question of - really - how fashionable am I? I'd like to think I'm fairly fashionable although not nearly on the level of some out there. But enough that my blog might be inspiring? I don't know. I had a coworker the other day question my outfit (a bit rudely, but whatever) and it got me thinking - others will most definitely do the same at some point. How will I feel then?
And I'm NOT artistic or creative or able to take fabulous pictures like so many bloggers out there. I know I won't be able to make my pictures look like everyone else's, but I guess I just have to do my best. The bottom line is, I love to write, I love trends and styles and fashion and budget pieces, and I just have to trust that there are others out there who might gain something here. And once in awhile maybe have a nice, thoughtful post about something else that will get people thinking. But I will never know what will happen until I do, so I guess that's where we're going!
*What you see's not what you get
With you there's just no measurement
No way to tell what's real from what isn't there*
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